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Dr Ivanu Kneževiću uručena nagrada Evropske komisije za doprinos nuklearnoj sigurnosti

          U Kelnu je 4. i 5. novembra, održana 20. jubilarna EUROSAFE 2019           konferencija, ove godine su tek po treći put u istoriji dodeljene nagrade.

 Dr Ivanu Kneževiću, rukovodiocu odeljenja za ispitivanje radioaktivnosti i zaštite životne sredine u JP ,,Nuklearni objekti Srbije”, uručena je nagrada Evropske komisije: Merit Award – Training & Tutoring – Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation. Tokom 2018. i 2019.  godine učestvovao je na tri treninga u organizaciji ENSTTI (European Nuclear Safety Training and Tutoring Institute, koji je pod okriljem Evropske komisije) u   Parizu (Inspection of Environmental and Occupational Radiation Protection i Surveillance of Environmental Radioactivity), Kijevu (Oversight of Safety Culture and   Management System) i Madridu (Inspection of Emergency Planning Preparedness and Response Arrangements), i na osnovu tamo postignutih rezultata i   sveukupnog utiska, osvojio je ovu prestižnu nagradu za doprinos nuklearnoj sigurnosti. Nagradu su pored njega dobile još dve osobe, jedna iz Egipta i jedna iz Južne Afrike.
Osnovne, master i doktorske studije na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu završio je sa prosekom 10,00, stručno se usavršavao u Francuskoj, Americi, Kini, Austriji, Azerbajdžanu, Gruziji, Velikoj Britaniji, Italiji, Tadžikistanu, Uzbekistanu, Rusiji, Vijetnamu, Turskoj i Srbiji, bio je stipendista Korejskog instituta za nauku i tehnologiju, član Svetskog instituta za nuklearnu sigurnost u Austriji, 23 puta državni prvak u sportskom plesu, autor 19 naučnih publikacija!
The 20th EUROSAFE Conference Jubilee was held in Cologne on the 4th and 5th of November 2019. This year was the third time in history of the Conference that the awards were presented. Dr. Ivan Knezevic, the Head of the Department for Research of Environmental Radioactivity in the “Nuclear Facilities of Serbia” public company was presented the European Board Award: Merit Award – Training and Tutoring-Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation. During 2018 and 2019 he participated in three training sessions organized by ENSTTI (European Nuclear Safety Training and Tutoring Institute) run by the European Board: in Paris (Inspection of Environmental and Occupational Radiation Protection and Surveillance of Environmental Radioactivity), Kiev (Oversight of Safety Culture and Management System) and Madrid (Inspection of Emergency Planning Preparedness and Response Arrangements). He was recognized for his excellent results and overall presentation and was awarded this prestigious award for his contribution to nuclear safety. This award was also given to an Egyptian and South African scientists. Dr. Ivan Knezevic completed his Masters and Doctorate studies at the University of Belgrade School of Electrical Engineering with Honors. He professionally trained in: France, America, China, Australia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, United Kingdom, Italy, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Vietnam, Turkey and Serbia. He was a Korean Institute of Science and Technology scholar, member of the World institute for nuclear protection in Australia, 23 time National Champion in Latin and Ballroom dancing and an author of 19 scientific publications!
We congratulate you!!!